Tag: Dante Gabriel Rossetti

  • Did Elizabeth Siddal inspire Bram Stoker?

    In the early years of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, artist Walter Deverell discovered Elizabeth Siddal working in a millinery shop.  After modeling for his painting Twelfth Night, Siddal posed for several Pre-Raphaelite painters, including William Holman Hunt and John Everett Millais. It was the artist Dante Gabriel Rossetti who was most captivated by her. He drew…

  • Hall Caine on Elizabeth Siddal’s Exhumation

    Hall Caine on Elizabeth Siddal’s Exhumation

      In Hall Caine’s Recollections of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, he touches briefly on Lizzie’s exhumation to retrieve the manuscript of poems that DGR had placed in her coffin. “Rossetti had buried the only complete copy of his poems with his wife at Highgate, and for a time he had been able to put by the…

  • Little Journeys in PDF

    I wasn’t happy with the transcription of Little Journeys in the previous post, so I’ve scanned images of the book and created a PDF file.  Hopefully this will improve your reading experience.  There are some pages where words in the margin may appear just a bit blurry.  I’m afraid this was unavoidable since I was…

  • Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Lovers: Rossetti and Siddal

    I recently happened upon a 14 volume set of Little Journeys at a local second-hand bookshop.  I was practically giddy with excitement to find these, especially the volume that includes Rossetti and Elizabeth Siddal.  I’ve scanned the book and transcribed the text.  Other volumes include Christina Rossetti, William Morris, and John Ruskin.  I plan on…

  • W.M. Rossetti article from The Guardian Archives:

    Thank you to Cathy Baker of Gather Ye Rosebuds while ye may for bringing this to my attention. Originally published in Manchester Guardian on 29 March 1904.   William Michael Rossetti starts off with the intention of setting the record straight that John Ruskin did not “set Pre-Raphaelitism going”.   Excerpt below, click here to read…

  • Mentions of Lizzie in Rossetti’s letters to his family:

    A full textual transcription of Rossetti’s family letters can be found at The Rossetti Archive.  For the purposes of this post, I have only selected letters that mention Elizabeth Siddal in an effort to see how Gabriel communicated with his family in regards to his relationship with her. Taken from Dante Gabriel Rossetti. His Family-Letters…

  • Letter from Rossetti to his brother while his pupil uses his studio

    In 1853, while Lizzie was known as Gabriel’s pupil, she painted in his studio while he was visiting the Scott (William Bell Scott) family in Newcastle-on-Tyne.  Gabriel mentions this in a letter to his brother, William Michael Rossetti. I believe that this was when Lizzie painted her only self portrait. Newcastle-On-Tyne.20 June [1853]. My Dear…

  • “A drawer full of Guggums…”

    It was well known within their circle of friends that Lizzie and Gabriel referred to each other by the pet name of  Guggums. Ford Madox Brown mentioned this curious nickname and Rossetti’s obsessive drawing of his beloved Guggums. “Called on Dante Rossetti.  Saw Miss Siddal, looking thinner and more deathlike and more beautiful and more…